29 January 2012

Snow 2012

It's snowtime once again in Japan. :-)

18 January 2012

How to Deal With Slow Walkers

While you're at it, go read the comments on the YouTube page as well, will ya? :D

17 January 2012

A couple more websites about Japan

Check out Tofugu.com for more Japan-related reading (and watching), written and produced by a few young dudes who love Japan and Nihongo, and have had experience living or travelling in Japan.

From Tofugu, I discovered WhatJapanThinks.com - a collection of interesting tidbits on how Japan thinks based on surveys of actual Japanese people in Japan. On WhatJapanThinks.com, there are a few more links to websites about Japan, but I haven't really checked any of them out.

06 January 2012

Kotoshimo Yoroshiku!

It's another new year, and I wish you all a happy new year yet again. And with the new year, comes, for the 3rd time, McDonald's Japan's "Big America" burgers!

I certainly didn't get enough of 2011's Big America 2 campaign; I was only able to try the Idaho (with a hash brown patty! yum!) and the Miami (with tortilla chips and taco-seasoned beef! yummmm!) burgers. I wasn't able to try the Manhattan and the Texas 2 burgers.

This time, McDonald's Japan will feature the Grand Canyon, the Las Vegas, the Broadway, and the Beverly Hills burgers. Naming-wise, it's a departure from the years past where only state or city names were used. But, I hope this time they won't disappoint.

As of the time of this writing, the Grand Canyon burger is said to be now available. It is said to give you a 700-calorie punch. That's on top of the calories from the fries and Coke you'll order with it, although of course, please remember that a large Coke in Japan is just a small/regular size in the US. I'm on my way to get one now. Well, I'll tell you all about it when I survive it.

From http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/277300/20120105/big-america-burger-2012-mcdonald-s-timeline.htm,
The Las Vegas Burger will be released at the end of January, followed by the Broadway Burger in mid-February and the Beverly Hills Burger in early March.
For photos, visit http://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/beef/bigamerica/index.html. Hmmm. I think I'll like last year's line up better. Let's see.