02 April 2013

A story of love and hate in Japan

UPDATE: The original video has disappeared. Thanks to reader Grin Isobe who has pointed this out. I have since replaced the link. If this goes down again, I recommend to search YouTube for "japan a story of love and hate BBC". Alternatively, you can find the official video on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/japanastoryofloveandhate.


  1. I attempted to watch this video... but it says the video does not exist.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out! The video has been taken down but if you search YouTube for "a story of love and hate in Japan BBC", you can find another one. I've updated the video to reflect one that still exists, you can find it here: http://youtu.be/gZM-QBkVaDc
