26 July 2010


If yesterday I woke up at 2pm, today I woke up with just 2 hours of sleep.  I can't do anything about; I wasn't sleepy anymore.  It wasn't too early; 'twas just right.  Was relatively early to school.  Had yummy postek and salad for lunch.  Work.  Felt so sleepy.  Had yummy grilled salmon, steamed pechay, and carrots for dinner.  Back to work.  Tried communicating back home via Skype, YM, GMail Chat, and Chikka, but  I ended up with a PC-to-Phone call via Jumblo.  And it was still a little bit choppy.  Maybe because it's peak time.

Oh, today was hot as usual, though maybe upto 3 degrees cooler than the hottest it has been.  Only 33 degrees Celsius!  (90 degrees Fahrenheit)  Yeah, right.  I just discovered that actually because of the high humidity this time of the year, it actually feels more like 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit).  Welcome to summer.

And then Somebody said, "Okay you have had too much sun!"  All of a sudden, thankfully just after I got home, this big thunderstorm sweeps through town with very, very strong wind, thunder, and lots of lightning.  The wind was nothing like I've experienced before, not even during thunderstorms in the Philippines.  Maybe the thunderstorm winds here are stronger than those in the Philippines?  Anyways, thoughts of flying debris blown away by the strong winds crashing through my glass door leading to balcony tried to knock on my door.  Ah, but everything was safe.  During any kind of storm, it is safer to stay indoors.

Surprisingly when I stepped out, the weather was so cool!  Suddenly it felt like 25 degrees or cooler!  And not much humidity.  It felt like a really nice summer day today, one without much heat and humidity!  I think, Somebody was just thoughtful enough to think that this place badly needed a bath after those 15 days of pure, summer.  This is actually the cycle of nature; too much heat, particularly near water, brings rain, which cools down a heated area.  This is why while most of the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing very hot summers, it is rainy in the Philippines.  There's always a balancing force that restores things back to order.  This is why when the world warms and we start to experience extremely warm temperatures, expect extremely cold winter-time temperatures as well as very strong rains, floods, and windstorms.

One other thing I did today was read P-Noy's SONA.  Is it just me, or was it quite an inspiring speech?  I liked his inaugural address as well.  A couple of hours though after reading his speech, I was able to watch the video of his speech at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/07/26/10/state-nation-address-pres-benigno-s-aquino-iii-video.  I thought I liked the written version better. :-D  Anyways, it is sad that some people, with closed minds to change, have what I would call "stupid" things to say about P-Noy.  I read something to the tune of...  "Why is he dining out with these media people?  Because he needs to continue polishing his image to the media?  Why doesn't he dine out with the poorest of the poor?"  Uhmm, duh, I'm sure he'll do that one of these days.  He's been in office for only around 3 weeks.  I'm sure he'll do that within the next 6 years!  Ah, these doubters, these "mga may pakialam."  It is exactly that kind of thinking that will bring us down.  Our downfall as a country would make them happy - because they could say "I told you so."  Anyways, those kinds of things, let's ignore.  Whoever you are, wherever you are, if you are Pinoy, just give your best at what you're doing.  That is P-Noy's call.  I believe in it.  It is the only way.  Change starts from each one of us.  No need to wait for your neighbor to change.  Be first.  God bless us all!

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